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Tracey Jones - Virtually face to

​Tracey Jones

Virtually Face to Face



ink and charcoal on paper

30cm x 42cm

The pandemic hit after I had relocated to a new town but before I had established ties there. The increasing restrictions cut me off from vulnerable family members and friends, who lived in different states. My school closed. The possibilities for meeting people in my new home diminished. It was as if the strings that had connected me to the world beyond my house were cut. Sometimes by others and sometimes through my own choices. The world I knew was replaced by a variety of virtual meeting rooms with bad connections. The future became an opaque screen. “Virtually Face to Face” explores themes of loss of connection and future uncertainty.

Employing the medium of oil paint, and incorporating the traditional techniques developed by the European classical realist painters, I create still life scenes that express a contemporary point of view. My interest in still life genre painting has developed my understanding in the importance of direct observation from life as a principal element in the painting process and the successful outcome of the resolved image. Investigating outcomes using traditional objects, techniques, and composition by past masters, creating an intensity of mood influenced by colour and the recreation of light and shadow are all fundamental to my work.

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