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Zina Sofer - design week 2021.jpg

​Zina Sofer




photography printed on stone, from the series ‘Milestone in Isolation’

21cm(W) x 33cm(H)

A devastating start of Biblical proportions to 2020 pushed the world into a lengthy self-isolation and a total lockdown. The global reaction was panic, despair and helplessness with no real since of certainty when the world will go back to some form of normality. With plenty of questions and not enough answers from scientists and the delayed actions from the politicians the global humanity found some temporary spiritual comfort in their respective formal and informal religions. In the few weeks and months into this pandemic the global sentiment slowly started shifting from panic to creating new-constructed reality to cope with the horrific and constant stream of bad news.


This image is from a larger series of work where I am exploring the role of Masquerade and how it always provided me with safety, security and give me the courage to express myself under difficult circumstances.

After a very lengthy career in Australia and abroad in field of R&D Electronics and Computer engineering that was cut short as a result of a back injury, I decided to pursue my long life romance with photography. I am third year student doing my BA in Photography.

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